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What should I look for in a training organization?

The difference between a good and great training comes down to the instructor and curriculum. D+R LEARNS’s mission is to enable learners to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to implement advanced building technologies—not just hear about them. We collaborate with industry experts to develop our content, and we draw on extensive instructional expertise to create interactive, engaging learning experiences.

What are the learning formats for courses?

We offer live webinars and online, on-demand courses that allow individuals to learn at their own pace. We may offer in-person instruction and support for conferences and events depending on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What are the benefits of a D+R LEARN course?

  • Many of our courses are sponsored by utilities, allowing you to expand your knowledge base with no cost online training.
  • Our content is tailored to the audience and informed by strong industry relationships, market research, and learner feedback.
  • Our curricula are robust, flexible, and accessible.
  • We offer a wide range of course with a focus on electrification. From electric vehicles to HVAC systems and commercial heat pump water heaters, our content spans the breadth of the electrification industry.

Who are the instructors?

Our instructors are energy and engineering experts with deep experience in energy management, demand response, training, and building energy optimization. With hands-on expertise in the technology, they provide thought provoking instruction as well as practical problem solving to help learners gain the knowledge and the skills necessary to install, service, and sell emerging technologies for buildings and transportation. Learn more about our instructors on our website.

Are D+R LEARN courses accredited?

Yes, we offer NATE Certification and BPI Continuing Education Certification courses. Please view our course catalog for details on which courses offer certification.

What courses are available?

D+R LEARN’s technical and sales training curricula includes more than 40 online courses led by expert instructors. We offer robust, competency-based courses in:

  • Building electrification
  • Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters
  • Commercial HVAC/R
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Flexible Load Management
  • Lighting
  • Residential HVAC and Water Heating

For detailed descriptions view our course catalog on our website.

Why should utilities, cooperatives, local governments, and trade associations sponsor a course?

Sponsoring D+R LEARN courses is an investment in the building energy sector that will deliver benefits for years to come in the form of knowledgeable, skilled professionals designing and installing advanced building technologies and systems. Sponsoring trainings provides a way to meet workforce education goals, offer unique benefits to members, and meet regulatory requirements. Visit our sponsor page for details.

Why should I choose D+R Learn?

Not all adult education programs are the same. D+R Learn recognizes that adult learners have unique backgrounds, experiences and needs. Our courses, both live webinars and on-demand modules, incorporate modern research-based educational practices that invite learners of all levels to engage in valuable, authentic learning opportunities. With expertly scaffolded content and effective instructional strategies, D+R Learn products help learners achieve their educational goals which translates into professional growth in a market ready for transformation.

What sets D+R Learn apart from competitors?

In addition to working with qualified SMEs to deliver trainings, D+R Learn content is created by a team of instructional design specialists who use current learning theory and modern educational practice to foster interactive learning environments. Built on the tenants of constructivist learning theory, both live webinars and on-demand courses incorporate dialogue, interactive activities, real world applications and personalization opportunities. Unlike traditional “look and listen” webinars, the D+R Learn model invites and engages learners in content acquisition, resulting in higher quality learning experiences.