Load Management
A demand response pioneer and early advocate for aggregated load management, D+R has evaluated over 3,000 commissioned and automated demand response (ADR) sites. Examples of our work include:
CEC EPIC: Refrigerated Warehouse Study
From 2017 – 18, D+R was involved in a CA Energy Commission Electric Program Investment Charge ( CEC EPIC) project to develop and test Auto-DR in refrigerated warehouses. Industrial refrigerated warehouses have long been identified as excellent candidates for implementing demand response strategies. The project sought to identify functional specifications for DR communications, study the capacity of various refrigerated products to act as over-generation resources, and quantify the statewide DR capacity offered by refrigerated warehouses.
Auto-DR Incentive Program: Project Verification Engineer
Since 2006, D+R has served as the project verification engineer (PVE) for Auto-DR and commission-based installations for SCE, PG&E, and SDG&E.
Over the years, D+R has reviewed and tested 195MW of automated load shed and more than 3,200 commercial and industrial sites. We also act as a trusted, vendor-neutral, equipment-agnostic advisor to customers and program implementers statewide.
CA’s First DR Aggregation: The Ancillary Services Coalition
From 1998 – 2004, D+R implemented and managed first statewide DR aggregation in California. On behalf of the California IOUs, D+R notified customers of load curtailment events, verified load shed performance, and reconciled data and settlements.
In 2000, we provided operation services for the California ISO Demand Relief Program (CAISO DRP) pilot. This work led to a DR pilot demonstration project with SCE, the CAISO, and the California Power Exchange that we coordinated for 4 years.