Electric Vehicle Charger

Successful EV Programs Begin with Collaboration

Electric Vehicle Charger

In this five-part blog series, we will dissect the key areas of a transportation electrification strategy. These points are expanded upon in D+R’s white paper, “A Utility Roadmap for Transportation Electrification.”

The series includes:
Part 1: Successful EV Programs Begin with Collaboration
Part 2: How a Robust Charging Infrastructure Benefits Utilities
Part 3: What Makes an Effective EV Incentive Program
Part 4: How to Educate Consumers About the Benefits of EVs
Part 5: How to Ensure Grid Reliability for an Electrified Transportation Future


As the Electric Vehicle (EV) revolution continues to gain momentum, utilities should be preparing for the subsequent increase in electricity demand with in-depth electrification strategies. “A Utility Roadmap for Transportation Electrification” helps guide utilities through the key areas of a transportation electrification strategy and explains why this type of strategy is important.

The first step of any electrification strategy should be collaborating with the public and key policymakers in the region. The goal of collaboration is to create a supportive and inclusive environment for accelerating EV ownership in a way that allows a wide range of stakeholders to benefit. Transportation electrification is a dynamic, and a failure to coordinate and consider the interests of key groups could delay or block progress. Some of the key groups that utilities should engage with include:

  • Low-income and historically marginalized communities
  • State and local policymakers
  • Large fleet operators and other
  • Regional, state, and local advocacy groups

With the inherent financial and infrastructural barriers that come with EV adoption, there is an important opportunity to gather feedback from historically marginalized communities that have disproportionate exposure to air pollution caused by fossil fuel-powered transportation.

Legislation on the state and local level is another component that affects EV adoption. Utilities can be involved with shaping legislation related to EVs, or at the bare minimum be aware of the existing state and local policies. Where available, utilities should seek out funding or support from regional, state, and local stakeholders to further EV adoption in a given territory. It is additionally important to consider the fact that large fleet operators, such as ride-sharing companies and delivery services, are taking a larger share of urban traffic each year and to consider partnering with this group to encourage electrification of their fleets.

Ultimately, acknowledging the stakeholders affecting and affected by utility policy is important. Check out “A Utility Roadmap for Transportation Electrification” to learn more about coordination with policymakers and the public as a part of a utility’s electrification strategy and to see examples of how these strategies have already benefited utilities across the country.

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